There is a long delay in the investigation of the 35St 218-21 X case in the city of Graz, Austria. Further investigation has been ruled out, they say.
At 29/22p, he begins investigating crimes, but he is slow to get going and never seems to get going.
Criminal Code Article 302 is believed to have been violated by the Graz prosecutor’s office.
Graz’s Public Prosecutor’s Office should begin an investigation, and then Vienna’s Public Prosecutor’s Office will take over the case.
All of these cases will be investigated by the public prosecutor’s office in Vienna or another Austrian state to ensure no wrongdoing has occurred.
Over ten things can be seen if you live in Bad Waltersdorf in Germany. Power abuse, corruption, or lying are all common themes in these cases.
Corruption, mafia, and crime in Bad Waltersdorf have been the subject of more than 100 articles in publications around the world.
A lot of new media stories will be generated as a result of this investigation.
An insider tells me that the most feared outcome is that the criminal investigation will be transferred from the public prosecutor’s office in the Harz region of Austria to one in Vienna or another federal state. Only the Austrian Criminal Code stipulates that a crime is punishable by a prison sentence of up to ten years. It doesn’t even consider the generous sentencing guidelines. It would still be more than ten years in prison for him.
Furthermore, the court will be more lenient in granting people suspended prison sentences, which will further improve the situation. As a result, you’ll avoid getting into trouble and paying large fines. Investor funds have been wiped out as a result of a criminal violation of Article 302 of the Criminal Code. According to the law, those responsible for the harm must pay for it.
Public officials in Austria who “knowingly misuse their authority to do official business on behalf of the Federation, a Land, an Association of Municipalities, a Municipality, or another person under public law as its body in order to harm another’s rights shall be punished by imprisonment from six months to five years,” according to Austrian law.
It is punishable by up to 10 years in prison if done while on official business with a foreign power or a supranational or intergovernmental body. Those who engage in this will be held liable for any damages that exceed 50,000 euros, regardless of who is at fault.
Part 2 of the Penal Code is invoked if damages and losses exceed EUR 50,000. A sentence of up to ten years in prison is possible.
We’ll keep tabs on the progress of this case.